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Integrate Nobox into your Javascript/Typescript project

Information Circle

You can clone or study our nobox example project

  1. Install nobox client npm i nobox-client if you haven't

  2. Go to or your local Nobox console, register and copy the token provided

  3. Create a folder and name it nobox or anything else

  4. Create a config.ts file in the nobox folder you created and add the following code:

    import  {  Config,  getFunctions,  getSchemaCreator  }  from  "nobox-client";
    export const config: Config = {
    endpoint:  "", // or http://localhost:8000 if you are running local
    project:  "[yourproject]", //Replace [yourProject] with your desired project name
    token: "[yourToken]", //Replace [yourtoken] with the token you copied in step 2
    export const createRowSchema = getSchemaCreator(config, { type: "rowed" });
    export const createKeyGroupSchema = getSchemaCreator(config, { type: "key-group" });
    export  const  Nobox  =  getFunctions(config);
  5. Create a folder called record-structures (or any other name) inside the nobox folder

  6. Create a file inside the record-structures folder and name it user.ts (or any other name). This is just an example.

  7. Copy the following code into the user.ts file. You can modify the structure as needed:

    import { Space } from "nobox-client";
    import { createRowSchema } from "../config";
    interface User {
        email: string;
        password: string;
        firstName: string;
        age: number;
    export const UserStructure: Space<User> = {
        space: "User",
        description: "A Record Space for Users",
        structure: {
            email: {
                description: "User's Email",
                type: String,
                required: true
            password: {
                description: "User's Password",
                required: true,
                type: String,
                hashed: true
            firstName: {
                description: "User's First Name",
                required: true,
                type: String,
            age: {
                description: "User's Age",
                required: false,
                type: Number,
    export const UserModel = createRowSchema<User>(UserStructure);
  8. After following these steps, your project folder structure should look like the tree representation below::

    ├── nobox
    │   ├── config.ts
    │   └── record-structures
    │       ├── app-details.ts
    │       ├── cars.ts
    │       └── user.ts
    ├── package.json

Next steps