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model.findOne(query, options)

The model.findOne() method in Nobox allows you to retrieve a single document from a model based on a specified query and customize the returned result using options.


  • query: An object that represents the search criteria. Each key in the object corresponds to a field in the model, and its value is used to match documents with matching field values. For example, { age: 25, role: 'admin' } will return a document where the age field is 25 and the role field is "admin".

  • options: An object that provides additional configuration for the query result. It includes the following properties:

    • paramRelationship (optional): Specifies the relationship between multiple search parameters. It can be set to 'Or' or 'And'. When set to 'Or', the query will return a document that matches any of the provided search parameters. When set to 'And', the query will return a document that matches all of the provided search parameters. If not specified, the default behavior is 'And'.

With the model.findOne() method, you can retrieve a single document that matches specific criteria. Adjust the query and options based on your model's fields and desired behavior.

Return Value

  • Promise\<ReturnObject<T>>: A promise that resolves to an objects representing the inserted documents. Each object will have the same structure as the model's schema, including additional fields such as id, createdAt, and updatedAt.

Example: Basic Usage

//.... import your Usermodel and necessary resources here

// Define the parameters for the findOne operation
const params = {
  id: '123456789',

// Define the options for the findOne operation
const options = {
  paramRelationship: 'And',

// Perform the findOne operation
const result = await UserModel.findOne(params, options);

// Output the result

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